The Mississippi Wholesale Distributors Association is hosting our Legislative Forum & Golf tournament at Deerfield Country Club in Canton, Mississippi on October 13th, 2016. The format will be a 4 man scramble. Participants pick their own team. Mississippi Senators and Representatives will be on had to interact with our association and guests. At this meeting, the MWDA Legislative Committee will present a program on the State of our Industry to all Legislators present. We will also have one or more key legislators address the association. Lunch is provided as well as post tournament appetizers during the awards ceremony. We hope to see you there.
Upcoming: Putt N Talk Golf Classic
The Mississippi Wholesale Distributors Association is hosting our Legislative Forum & Golf tournament at Deerfield Country Club in Canton, Mississippi on October 13th, 2016. The format will be a 4 man scramble. Participants pick their own team. Mississippi Senators and Representatives will be on had to interact with our association and guests. At this meeting, the MWDA Legislative Committee will present a program on the State of our Industry to all Legislators present. We will also have one or more key legislators address the association. Lunch is provided as well as post tournament appetizers during the awards ceremony. We hope to see you there.
Tentative Agenda:
09:00 Table Top Show Opens
10:00 Industry Report by MWDA
10:45 Legistlative Speakers
11:30 Lunch/Networking Time
12:00 Shotgun Start
05:00 Awards (Food & Beverage Provided)